Sunday, October 30, 2011

My Beauty Bunny Custom Lipstick

This is pretty darn cool! Jennifer From My Beauty Bunny, a cruelty free beauty blog, worked up her own custom shade of lipstick in collaboration with Three Custom Color Specialists, a rather neat company that can make custom shades for you. The aim with this lipstick was to come up with a color that would work on many different skin tones. The shade is a lovely muted orange/coral, which you can see swatched on my hand below. Three Custom Color makes great lipsticks that have a nice texture and wear well, so you can’t really go wrong with this one!

My Beauty Bunny Lipstick Swatch

You can read about the process of creating the lipstick here, and you can order your own here!

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Disclosures: Girl Gloss at times reviews products provided by a representative of the company. When we do so, we specifically state so. We also use affiliate links. For more, please see the disclosure page

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

My Beauty Bunny Custom Lipstick

This is pretty darn cool! Jennifer From My Beauty Bunny, a cruelty free beauty blog, worked up her own custom shade of lipstick in collaboration with Three Custom Color Specialists, a rather neat company that can make custom shades for you. The aim with this lipstick was to come up with a color that would work on many different skin tones. The shade is a lovely muted orange/coral, which you can see swatched on my hand below. Three Custom Color makes great lipsticks that have a nice texture and wear well, so you can’t really go wrong with this one!

My Beauty Bunny Lipstick Swatch

You can read about the process of creating the lipstick here, and you can order your own here!

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Disclosures: Girl Gloss at times reviews products provided by a representative of the company. When we do so, we specifically state so. We also use affiliate links. For more, please see the disclosure page

View the original article here

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