Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using Lip Balms

Many people are not aware of the effects of lips balm, though they use it. Lip balms are said to have several advantages as well disadvantages too. In fact, lip balms are conceptualized to have benefits on protecting lips from worse external conditions. The disadvantages mainly are because of the low manufacturing quality and wrong way of use. The proper awareness of the disadvantages and benefits of lip balms will help choosing the right product and using them on the way it is designed to be. As many business firms offer lib palms as promotional products the overall use the product has been increased. Promotional lip balm even make people to use them as frequently as they are distributed multiple times to them; that too, free of cost. Let us see the most obvious advantages and disadvantages of lip balms.


Lip balms are great sunscreen agents. They help hazardous rays from sun not affecting the beauty and natural health of the lips. Cracks and moisture loss are the two common issues on lips. Properly applied lip balms help curing the cracks and retaining the moisture levels. Most of the lip balms contain alcohol substance which helps protecting the lips against bacterial attack. Sun block lip balms are proved to prevent ultraviolet rays from hurting the lips. Sun block lip balms have titanium dioxide and zinc oxide as the basic ingredients. They help preventing any dangerous rays contacting the lips directly.

Lip balms help to protect the natural health and beauty of the lips. It is a fact that many people use lip balms just for the cosmetic purpose. Lip balms come with flavored ingredients and also in different colors to color the lips. Glowing lip balms are another highly liked model as these products will give an extra layer of glow to the lips. They even have pleasing smell appealing the senses of the user. Another advantage of a lip balm is that they are cost effective products when both the health and aesthetic aspects are concerned. Lip balms are one among the most used products in the cosmetic line. They have become inevitable accessories in the hand bag of every woman, and some recent additions offer lip balms specially designed for men too. They are not gender specific products and both men and women can use them. But the same products may not be equally effective for men and women as the skin types differ.


Disadvantages are few when the lip balms are considered. Many of such disadvantages arise from negligence in use and manufacturing of the lip balms. Lip balms made of low quality ingredients can harm the lips seriously. Such lip balms may dry out the lips instead moisturizing it. Lip balm addiction is another disadvantage usually seen with the use of them. Habitual use may develop an obsession towards lip balms.  Some companies manufacture lip balms considering only the beauty aspect, ignoring the health benefits and soft character of the skin. Such products, gradually, will damage the natural color, softness and glow of the lips.

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using Lip Balms

Many people are not aware of the effects of lips balm, though they use it. Lip balms are said to have several advantages as well disadvantages too. In fact, lip balms are conceptualized to have benefits on protecting lips from worse external conditions. The disadvantages mainly are because of the low manufacturing quality and wrong way of use. The proper awareness of the disadvantages and benefits of lip balms will help choosing the right product and using them on the way it is designed to be. As many business firms offer lib palms as promotional products the overall use the product has been increased. Promotional lip balm even make people to use them as frequently as they are distributed multiple times to them; that too, free of cost. Let us see the most obvious advantages and disadvantages of lip balms.


Lip balms are great sunscreen agents. They help hazardous rays from sun not affecting the beauty and natural health of the lips. Cracks and moisture loss are the two common issues on lips. Properly applied lip balms help curing the cracks and retaining the moisture levels. Most of the lip balms contain alcohol substance which helps protecting the lips against bacterial attack. Sun block lip balms are proved to prevent ultraviolet rays from hurting the lips. Sun block lip balms have titanium dioxide and zinc oxide as the basic ingredients. They help preventing any dangerous rays contacting the lips directly.

Lip balms help to protect the natural health and beauty of the lips. It is a fact that many people use lip balms just for the cosmetic purpose. Lip balms come with flavored ingredients and also in different colors to color the lips. Glowing lip balms are another highly liked model as these products will give an extra layer of glow to the lips. They even have pleasing smell appealing the senses of the user. Another advantage of a lip balm is that they are cost effective products when both the health and aesthetic aspects are concerned. Lip balms are one among the most used products in the cosmetic line. They have become inevitable accessories in the hand bag of every woman, and some recent additions offer lip balms specially designed for men too. They are not gender specific products and both men and women can use them. But the same products may not be equally effective for men and women as the skin types differ.


Disadvantages are few when the lip balms are considered. Many of such disadvantages arise from negligence in use and manufacturing of the lip balms. Lip balms made of low quality ingredients can harm the lips seriously. Such lip balms may dry out the lips instead moisturizing it. Lip balm addiction is another disadvantage usually seen with the use of them. Habitual use may develop an obsession towards lip balms.  Some companies manufacture lip balms considering only the beauty aspect, ignoring the health benefits and soft character of the skin. Such products, gradually, will damage the natural color, softness and glow of the lips.

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